Friday, October 30, 2009

Star Wars: The Continuation of the Force (part II)

In my previous blog, I layed out a small draft for the plot of Star Wars: The Continuation of the Force. Now, it's time to introduce the characters.

Corus Adi - Corus Adi was born on Naboo during the Great Jedi Purge. His parents, Sera Adi and Galek Adi, were rogue Jedi who escaped Order 66 and went into hiding. At a young age, his parents were both killed by Darth Vader. Adi, however, was saved by the Gungan Warriors and later raised by them. Soon after the death of Darth Sidious, Adi, a skilled pilot, flew to the newly rebuilt Jedi Temple on Coruscant to become a Jedi.

Even early in his training, Adi showed great potential in the Force. This caught the eye of Jedi hero Luke Skywalker who began to train the young Jedi personally. Within five years, at the age of 22, Corus had become such a great Jedi, he was awarded a chair on the Jedi High Council and was granted the rank of Master, the youngest Jedi to ever do so, surpassing the late Anakin Skywalker.

In just a year, Adi has annointed his Jedi Apprentice named Puel Garna, a human native to Ziost. Adi is very protective of the young Garna and is constantly watching him, making sure he does not fall prey to the Dark Side.

Darth Sauren - Shortly before his death, Darth Sidious annointed the young Darth Sauren to be his "secret apprentice" in the possibility that Darth Vader would, one day, fall victim to the Rebellion.

Sauren was kidnapped by the Empire at a young age. Like Corus Adi, Sauren's parents were executed at the hands of Darth Vader. The Emperor, instead of executing Sauren as well, decided to take Sauren as his "secret apprentice".

After Sidious' death, Sauren continued his Sith training alone by accessing many Sith holocrons in the then-destroyed Jedi Temple. The young Sauren read about many legendary Sith lords such as Darth Plagueis and Darth Maul as well as Dark Jedi like Asajj Ventress and Sora Bulq.

Sauren eventually grew up to be the one of the strongest Sith in the Galaxy, if not the strongest. According to Jedi records, Sauren has the Force ability to pull a starship right out the sky (albeit high Force concentration) and is especially skilled in lightsaber combat in which he uses a Juyo stance. Sauren tends to use Force power during battle and tends to disarm opponents before killing them.

Sauren is destined to continue his Master's legacy and rebuild the Sith. Over the years, he has recruited many young men and women. He has trained them to be Sith lords and carry on the fight against the Jedi. In addition, he has created his own army to battle the the reborn Galactic Republic.

According to records, he is approximately two years older than his Jedi nemesis Corus Adi (Sauren is 26-years-old while Adi is 24).

Puell Garna -Puell Garna is th young Jedi Padawan of Corus Adi. Puell was born on Tattooine and was 6-years-old when the Empire fell. Shortly after this, Puell's father fell into debt with gamblers, causing a price to be put on his head. In fear of bounty hunters, Puell's father flew Puell to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi and to escape danger.

Early in his training, Puell was noticed by the Jedi High Council to be especially skilled in lightsaber combat. However, Puell lacked power in using the Force. This often came as an extreme disadvantage as his young Jedi peers often beat him in sparring sessions. This, however, would not be a disadvantage for long.

At the age of 10, Puell was befriended by experienced Jedi Knight, Corus Adi. Despite the fact that Adi had not yet earned the rank of Master, Adi began to teach the young Puell Garna how to properly use the Force in battle. Within months, Puell had learned much about the Force and has become able to use the Force exceptionally well.

Four years later, at age 16, Puell officially became a Jedi Padawan of Corus Adi. Adi, however, has shown much fear in Puell's young, aggresive attitude and has been trying to suppress this by always being there for him. Adi is desperately trying to not let the 16-year-old Puell Garna fall victim to the Dark Side.

Darth Guara - Darth Guara (formely known as Guara Halem) is the young Sith Apprentice of Darth Sauren. Hulem's past is considerably unknown due to the Sith having wiped out most of his records within Jedi databases. What is known about Hulem is that he was born on Coruscant a little after the Great Jedi Purge and that he is 16-years-old (ten years younger than his Sith Master Darth Sauren).

Guara was discovered on Coruscant while training to be a pilot when he was 10-years-old by Darth Sauren. Sauren sensed much power in the Force within Guara and took him under his wing to be trained as a Sith Lord. Guara was brought up in harsh conditions, oftenly having bloody sparring sessions with his Sith Master. As a result, Guara has many scars.

Guara is considered by most to be very headstrong and always loves to duel with both his Jedi enemies and Sith peers alike. This has caught the attention of Sauren who keeps an eye on Guara at all times, always checking for the slightest act of betrayal. It is because of this that Sauren always keeps Guara under his thumb.

Guara is also often reckless and insists on going into battles with guns blazing. Sauren oftenly looks to this as a very big weakness that must be dealt with.

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