Friday, March 5, 2010

Is J.J. Abrams up to it again?

A little over two years ago, J.J. Abrams showcased arguably his most ingenious creation to date - Cloverfield. The monster-movie was a hit in the box office and was generally met with critical praise. Prior to the Cloverfield being released, a HUGE viral campaigne was launched to promote the movie, which is common for movie promotion, especially with J.J. Abrams. And on January 11, 2010, Abrams said to MTV News that a sequel to Cloverfield is currently "in development". And he wasn't lying, apparently....

I learned of this interview with Abrams on March 6, 2010 at about 12:30 AM (EST). Immediately, I began digging into the internet for ANY information regarding the sequel and what I found is pretty interesting. I stumbled upon a account known as CloverfieldClues, which is obviously a fan-site. I was reading some of the comments on his blog and I stumbled across a name - 500 rads.

I typed it in a URL and I came across his blog. It is weird and bizarre, to say the least. The entire blog is kinda hard to "decipher" (for lack of a better word), but it seems to be centered around a man named Hal. The link to this blog is at the bottom of this post for anyone who wishes to investigate further. Despite the oddness of the blog, I was able to come across something familiar. One of his post's mentioned something about a "two-year" anniversary of a great disaster (the blog was posted on January 18, 2010. Cloverfield came out on January 18, 2008). This was an OBVIOUS clue.

Now, for those J.J. Abrams fanatics out there, Abrams recently announced that he was working on a project under the working title "500 RADS", which might leave some people to believe that the 500 RADS guy on Blogger is simply a fake. But here's the kicker: the first 500 RADS blog was posted on January 20, 2008, LONG before Abrams announced ANYTHING about a sequel or 500 RADS. This makes me believe that the story of Cloverfield WILL be continued. YOU be the judge...

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